At our Annual General Meeting, David Mikula, Chris Nichols, and Tim Schulte took the stage to discuss Executive Talent and "people-first" culture
At our Annual General Meeting, Bill Lucia, Kleber Gallardo, and Mike Taylor took the stage to discuss differentiated deal strategies.
At our Annual General Meeting, Leslie Norwalk and Larry Van Horn took the stage to discuss Council's sustainable Value-Creation Strategies.
On November 19th, we hosted our CEO Council, Portfolio CEOs, and Investors for a series of meetings to discuss firm updates and market advancements
Council Capital Forms Strategic Partnership with StrataPT
Colette Edgar and Landon Klausing join Council Capital’s Value Creation Team as Associate Portfolio Chiefs of Staff
Council Capital has partnered with Allegiant Managed Care, a proactive nurse case management company.
Council Capital establishes a strategic partnership with OccMD.
Council Capital is recognized in the top 1% of PE innovators for the third consecutive year.